Week Ending May 25, 1974
This is one of those weeks in Marvel UK that if your pocket money did not cover the required 21p to get all three weeklies, it must have been tough to choose how to spend your limited funds. You may have been collecting one or two of the titles regularly so you automatically picked those up, but the great covers this week would probably have had me digging down the back of the sofa or looking for 'deposit bottles' to run down the local off-licence to make up the cash so I could complete the set. Mighty World of Marvel #86 Looking at this Herb Trimpe cover, I assumed that it was taken from a internal panel and enlarged because of the blurriness of the detail. It would seem that is actually from the US original with extra width added to the sides (at the same time giving the damsel in distress, Barbara Norriss, a weird three fingered hand, which judging from the internal art, may have been Trimpe's original intention) the lack of refinement is probably down to the less soph...