Week Ending March 31, 1973

This week in 1973 sees a bit of a (half) milestone for Marvel UK, as it marks six months of publication. Despite having to rely on content that may have seemed a little dated even four decades ago, Marvel's UK arm has two titles up, running and starting to hit their stride. Again, as noted by keen-eyed readers on Facebook last week (I was less attentive and missed it) we have a pair of covers with matching compositions. I'm actually impressed with the effort this must have taken, probably only to be unappreciated by ungrateful 70s kids. Mighty World of Marvel #26 Last week we were promised a bold new direction for the Hulk, this week's pages give me reason to doubt a similar claim made for next week. We open with some uninspiring artwork and what seems like a fairly blatant passive-aggressive commentary on that subject in the credits box from Stan. Hulk is still captured by the Leader and in danger of a fatal transformation back into Bruce Banner due to a bull...