Week Ending September 1, 1973
Full disclosure before we start; my usual cool-eyed, cynical detachment is going to take a backseat this week. While I never owned these issues as a kid, there is much about them that stirs my inner child. Whole covers dedicated to the main stories, much improved colouring and best of all, corner boxes. Oh my, the corner boxes. Sure, there were the weird little logos in the corner prior to this week, but these are the real deal and I am more than a little taken aback by my emotional response to them. Mighty World of Marvel #48 This cover is a lash-up from multiple sources, the distinctive styles of Sal Buscema, Neal Adams and Jack Kirby working surprisingly well together. A No Prize awaits anyone who can name the covers and interiors that gave up elements for the greater good. As if the excitement of corner boxes were not enough, this week sees the UK debut of my all time favourite Iron Man armour. The Model 2 with its red and gold colour scheme and distinctive faceplate is my ea...