Week Ending September 29, 1973
Marvel UK celebrates its first anniversary with three titles, a convincing claim on a growing segment of the British comic buying public and taking sixteen new pence from your pocket money. The later was probably mitigated somewhat by your parents lingering confusion over decimalisation. Mighty World of Marvel #52 After a run of improving covers, Ron Wilson and Mike Esposito phone in this effort. It isn't actually bad, but looks uninspired and static despite the artists best efforts to introduce the illusion of movement. The Incredible Hulk: Ring Around The Rhino. Reprinting The Incredible Hulk #104 I had always thought of the Rhino as a Spider-Man protagonist, sure I was aware that he had multiple run-ins with Ol' Jade Jaws, but I was very surprised to see his origin take place in a Hulk story. Probably less surprised than those of you reading that already knew that the Rhino's first appearance was actually in the pages of ASM #41, and no such origin took place in a Hul...