Week Ending December 22, 1973
It is 1973, Christmas is just a week away, Marvel UK is putting out some cracking weeklies, what a time to be alive. Kids these days with their Tic Toks and inpenetratable slang think they have reached the pinnacle of human existence, well they never experienced the joy of picking up their favourite comic and blowing the change on as many 'eight chews for a penny' as you could afford. Suckers. Mighty World of Marvel #64 Ron Wilson and Mike Esposito supply an alternative to the original US cover, getting the job done with little fanfare or fuss. The Incredible Hulk: The Brute Battles On! Reprinting The Incredible Hulk #112 The Hulk was facing the threat of the Galaxy Master last week, an impressive disembodied mouth with the suggestion of classic vampire fangs. It is a shame the when this wonderful design is dropped almost immediately for a generic mallet-fisted gaint with one eye. The Hulk slugs it out as political maneuvers play out amongst the leaders...