Week Ending March 2, 1974
I'm assuming that most readers of this blog are, how can I put this nicely... getting on a bit. As such, a lot of us might have our own kids who we have probably tried to introduce to the joys of comics. I don't know what level of abject failure you experienced, but it did help me realise how much of my interest is rooted in nostalgia as well as the appreciation of the art form and its history. Also, I learnt how hard it is to keep your cool when the fruit of your loins is holding a comic all wrong. Mighty World of Marvel #74 This Herb Trimpe cover gets some tweaks to give Maximus a more active role, rather than his more symbolic appearance on the original. The Incredible Hulk: The Rage of Battle! Reprinting The Incredible Hulk #119 Still struggling with how to handle the need for extra splash pages, Marvel UK blow up another panel and cram in a large Hulk-head to tide us over here. Which would probably be fine if the exact same panel and text weren't on...