Week Ending April 6, 1974
Here we are, in the second week of the Marvel UK Kung Fu era (a name I have just coined for the length of time between April 1974 and the Marvel UK vampire/ape period) it was not all martial arts meyhem though, as we shall now see. Mighty World of Marvel #79 Did Herb Trimpe ever do a stint on the Fantastic Four? Because on the strength of this cover, I would be all over that. A recolouring of the original US that definitely improves on the source for my money. The Incredible Hulk: The Hulk's Last Fight! Reprinting The Incredible Hulk #122 Young Roy Thomas pens another adventure, as a kid I probably credited a lot of Roy's stories to Stan, in no small part due to the prominence of Stan's name everywhere. Reading them now, I can see why that mistake would be easy to make but while he certainly impersonates Stan's writing style, there are definite moments of his own voice there to see on the page. This week's tale pulls double-duty as it guest s...