Week Ending April 20, 1974
What constitutes a 'good' week in Marvel UK on the blog is purely subjective. Despite the best efforts of the creative team behind these weeklies in 1974, if I'm having a bad day, I will probably be unfairly harsh on these innocent comics. However, the reverse is also true, I have had a cracking week and as a result have found myself far more open to the waves of nostalgic joy issuing from their newsprint pages as a result. Swings and roundabouts. Mighty World of Marvel #81 Is it just me, or is this Ed Hannigan/Pablo Marcos cover giving off a strong '100th' issue vibe? Nice to see the FF back on the cover, even if they had to experience a two week break in order to be deemed worthy of such an honour. It may not be the greatest offering from an artistic perspective, but tell me you wouldn't have snatched this straight off the newsagents shelves? The Incredible Hulk: The Rhino Says No! Reprinting The Incredible Hulk #124 Readers of a certai...