Week Ending May 18, 1974
It is still 1974, I am about a year away from my dad pulling his van up outside the local newsagent and sending his collection of near feral children in with 10p each and the almost unheard of instruction to "buy yourselves something", thus it will be a full 12-months before my life is changed forever by the purchase of my first Marvel UK weekly. I wonder which title I would have selected if this had been the week instead? I like to imagine it would have been MWOM #85 but a more realistic part of me suspects that the temptation of a full size Mars Bar would have won the younger and more fickle Tim over. Meanwhile, here in 2022 I have purchased myself a new laptop. This will hopefully lead to a more coherent blog experience and greatly reduce the strain on my old eyes from trying to communicate my mutterings via a phone app. Mighty World of Marvel #85 Ron Wilson and Mike Esposito supply us with a captive and weirdly diminutive Hulk for this week's cover. Peculiar scale...